When you have very little to say?!
Sometimes this thought occupies my mind far longer than is fit and proper. But then I wonder to myself, “What IS fit and proper??” You can see why I spend more time thinking pointless thoughts and not enough time writing anything down can’t you?!
So, what to tell?? Work is work, it’s also busy. I have 2 weeks leave coming up and I’m kinda relived… the first time I’ve taken anymore than 2 days off this years. Of course I’m broke so no trip to the Bahamas for me, instead a weekend in Amsterdam with Chris and his brother, which will be interesting as in my previous 5 trips there I’ve never gone with company, always alone and always ending up in the same coffee shop playing chess and passive smoking some strange organic tobacco ;)
Then I may go to Lille to visit Aurélie but I haven’t decided yet, perhaps I’ll email her once I’ve stopped thinking about whatever it is I’m thinking and find out when she’s at Uni…pointless going to see her if she’s not going to be around…
So, for now, I’m off to la-la land
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