6 Years and counting….

I was quite excited about this weekend. Amy from Australia has been in the UK since 21 April and I was looking forward to seeing her, for the first time since 1999.

I first met Amy back in 1999 while I was working at the Leopard Lounge nightclub in Fulham Broadway. It’s quite strange, I still remember the night, not all that clearly as i had been drinking as well as consuming drugs before work but I remember being in th Slug & Lettuce pub next door to the club before I was due to start having a few drinks and generally getting myself in the mood for work. Amy was there with a group of friends and I just remember seeing her and thinking she was gorgeous, long dark hair and very attractive, she also had a very sexy ‘husky’ voice. We got chatting and I persuaded her and her friends to come to the club, I ‘think’ we kissed or if we didn’t I told her I wanted to.. my how bold I get with a few drinks… I’m very much like the line in a Bob Dylan song… “If I’d have thought about it, I never would have done it” I do however remember while I was working leaning over the bar, in between serving customers, to kiss her and thinking life was good. I gave her my number and she called me and we went out for coffee and a trip to the police station because she had to report something lost, a mobile phone or something. Anyway, that was the last I saw of her, sober I was too shy/embarrassed to say or do anything – I’ve never really asked her what she thought about that time.

Anyway, we’ve kept in contact via email, MSN and the occasional phone call and last year she told me she was planning on moving to France to live and work and so it was that in April she arrived in the UK en route. We were due to meet this weekend, she emailed me on Friday to let me know she was staying in London and was catching up with friends and I told her I hoped to see her on Sunday. So I waited for her to call but alas, nothing. I check my email at around 8.20pm to find an email from her, she had tried to send me a text message but had no reply.. I checked the phone… zilch…nada… She was going to be at a bar in Westbourne Park a good 90mins from me or possibly longer as there were engineering works… I was annoyed. I sent her a text but no reply so I called her. Seems funny to have to call her Australian mobile number, to have the call sent back from Australia to a West London location. It turns out she is leaving for France tomorrow :(

I pondered, could I make it to the bar before it closed? nah.. a pointless waste of time I told myself but fuck it, I quickly shaved and headed out the door, got to Walthamstow got on the train to Warren Street and waited for a bus to take me closer to where she was… and so i waited and waited and waited…. Sunday service in a major capital city… pffftt!! With no idea if the bar would stay open later than 10.30pm (usual Sunday closing time) I headed back home and here I sit with a whisky and ginger beer typing this and wondering if fate is telling me that Amy and I are not destined to meet any time soon but as i said to her, it’s been 6yrs now, what difference does another year make?

So, there we have it, something I’ve been looking forward to for about a year gone in a puff of smoke… seems that now she’s over here our mobile networks refuse to transmit text messages and who says technology makes life easier??

Amy emailed me today (Wednesday) it transpires she stayed out till 3am so we could have met up in the end, just a pity I couldn’t get through to her mobile when I tried calling about 11pm…c’est la vie!

She’s now in Paris and has found a place to live so just needs a job now. I guess I’ve now found a reason to return to Paris, wonder if she’ll let me crash on her floor if I go to watch the Arsenal v Barcelona match on French tv??

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