So, if you didn’t come here for the enlightening thoughts of the day and instead were brought here because you entered something like buy-cheap-viagra-online-consolidate-your-debt-watch-porn into the search engine, it’s only fair that you get taken to the site that offers you all that AND more!
Jeezus, I’m far too good to you lot. Supplying links to all the stuff the internet was created to supply, all from the comfort of your own home/office/internet cafe. Actually, you may laugh and say, “Internet cafe? Yeah right!” but here’s a little story for you…
I was recently in the Czech Republic, having flown with Ireland’s shittiest but cheap airline, I won’t mention them by name as I don’t want the Irish git to start leaving dead horses heads in my bed, tho given he’s so tight they’d probably be from his daughter’s My Little Pony collection anyway. But I digress, this bucket shop airline requires you to ‘check-in on-line’ if you want to have the cheapest tickets and wanting to have the cheapest tickets, that’s what I chose to do, then I read the small, small, very small print… you need to check in between 48 and 4hrs before the flight, fine when I’m at home and have access to a printer, not so fine when I’m in Moravia and find it nigh on impossible to find an internet cafe with a printer!
However I finally found one and busied myself with printing off my boarding card and catching up on emails while I was there, going slightly crazy over the Czech keyboard which took some getting used to, however it did mean I was more inclined to delete emails than reply to them as it was far too much effort trying to figure out where the apostrophe was hiding, it was bad enough that the key that said Y was really the Z!! But again, I digress… having finished my email reading and shit I look up and see that the guy in front of me, a ‘gentleman’ in his late forties/early fifties, was avidly perusing a porn site and we’re talking full on, hardcore porn!
He must have felt me watching as he looked round, saw me looking and then gave me a look of disgust as if to say, “How cheap! You’re looking at another man’s porn, go look at your own!” and me? I felt embarrassed for looking at another man’s porn… perhaps because it was all ‘fetish’ stuff,. all that rubber and leather has never really done anything for me, just makes me think of ‘The Gimp’ in Pulp Fiction!
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