Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Firstly, I would like to apologise for not being imaginative enough to think up my own subject title.  I’d like to also take this opportunity to apologise for offending anyone in any of my earlier blog entries for things that I may have said that caused offence.  Oh fuck it! Who am I trying to kid?  I’m not sorry at all and quite frankly I’m getting more than a little pissed off every time I open a newspaper and find that someone is either complaining that no one is apologising or that people are clamouring to apologise for something or other.

I blame Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, they started it all with Sach-gate.  Ever since they were forced into publicly stating they were sorry, when they probably were not, the entire population, when it’s not consumed with following Jade Goody’s demise, is seeking out people who either are or are not apologising.  Carol Thatcher, the BBC demanded she apologise for using the term Golliwog.  After all the newspaper articles and on-line articles I read I still never found out who she was supposed to apologise to.  It seems she was just supposed to apologise to everyone, if it had been the person she actually referred to as a golliwog I would have understood, after all that is the person who was supposed to have slighted was it not?  Hmmm then again, she seemingly said, “He reminds me of …” so it’s not, technically the same as saying to his face, “YOU remind me of…” in which case an apology would make more sense.  A friend told me once that her friend said I reminded her of Fergal Sharkey, should I have insisted on a full and unreserved public apology for the offence I took at that comparison?? OK, so maybe it was meant as a compliment even so…

Then take Gordon Brown, no please, someone take him (boom-boom!)  He’s being lambasted for not apologising for the economic fuck up we are coasting through.  He doesn’t think he’s personally fucked up the world’s economic situation and therefore won’t apologise and so everyone keeps going on about this fucking apology or lack of, as if it would make any difference!  I can see it now, Gordo gets up and apologises and what would the press and the public say?  Why of course he doesn’t mean it!! Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…

Then there is David Cameron… he makes me laugh!  He’s busy apologising for his failure to do something to stop the economic fuck up… quite what he thought he could have done is beyond me, the guy isn’t even in power so can’t do anything even if he wanted to but hey, he’s apologised so he’s a good guy, not like that nasty Gordo Brown who won’t apologise…  Interestingly tho, if you read any of the transcripts of the speech David gave in which he apologised you’ll find out he didn’t actually use the S word.  What he actually did was say sorry in a private briefing with a few favoured journalists who then reported back that Dave was sorry…

So anyway, sorry for this, sorry for that and damn you all to hell because I’m not sorry at all, will everyone stop expecting and issuing apologies.  No one believes you mean it when you do say it so why should they care when you don’t.  As I wrote this entry there was only one song on my mind to include and here it is, ladies and gentlemen I give you REM and The Apologist

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