It’s a bad man’s world…

Richard Long  - Heaven and EarthI must remember to buy a lottery ticket tomorrow.  Why? I hear you ask.  Well, I’m just feeling lucky.  Let me explain.  A few weeks ago I entered a draw for a pair of tickets to a private viewing of .  I’m not sure if Richard Long will be there or not, not that I would know either way as I have no idea what he looks like but in my endeavours to explore the world of art free tickets to anything are always welcome.  However, that’s enough waffle, I received an email telling me a pair of tickets were mine…Result!

As previously mentioned, iTunes are running a ‘festival’ during the month of July at London’s Roundhouse, I won a pair of tickets to see Slow Club and Jamie T on 1 July but the artist I really, REALLY wanted to see was Bat For Lashes.  This week I received an email telling me a pair of tickets to the gig were mine…Result!

Then, yesterday I received an email telling me that I was the winner of a survey prize draw I had entered back in March.  The prize? 6 bottles of Moet & Chandon champagne…Result!

Now you know why I fell that there can be no harm in buying a lottery ticket, all I risk losing is one measly pound, the price of a newspaper.  It’s got to be worth it, no?  If you never read another blog here again you’ll know I hit the jackpot ;)

I shopped around trying to get my Axiom prints framed. A framing shop near the office quoted me £76 each, after I picked my jaw off the floor I said I’d think about it and high-tailed it out of there, the guy said it with such a serious face I reasoned it wasn’t a joke.  Instead I popped into the London Graphic Centre after work and found a couple of nice ready made frames for a very reasonable £14.23 each.  I half suspect that Mr Serious would have gone there to get them in the first place!

I now have to figure out A) where I’m going to hang my print and B) what to do with the other.  I have an idea of what I would like to do with it but in what must be a sign of my head bossing my heart around I’ve decided not to act on impulse and so instead I will wait and see how I feel about my initial idea at a later date.  I may tell you all more about it later, I may not. Who knows?  At this moment in time, I for one don’t.

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