Fathom Audio – Promises and Ridges

Fathom Audio are a four piece consisting of Billion, Sense, Code:Breaker and Fybe.

Originally formed between Billion and Sense as a DJ/MC combo in 2009, Fathom in it’s current guise came to life when the two founders met Code:Breaker at a radio show in 2010. Fybe, who had been working with Sense on various projects for a number of years was quickly enveloped into the fold.

Their fresh and unique approach to modern drum & bass music quickly took root and spread to studio productions and it wasn’t long before their tunes were being played and then signed by some of the most respected artists in Drum and Bass.

Well, that’s your background, what about the music? Well, one of the choons that was sitting in my inbox from a few weeks ago was their single Promises which dropped on the Diffrent Music label. It’s a little on the dark side but if you’ve read any of my previous blogs you’ll know I quite like my drum and bass with the lights turned way down low. The b side is a cheeky little number called Ridges and I don’t know if I have the words in me to describe it for you, just as well I have SoundCloud innit?

*** OUT NOW *** FATHOM AUDIO ‘PROMISES’ / ‘RIDGES’ (DIFF014) by diffrent

Aside from the watermarks, what do you think? Personally I think it’s well worth the £1.70 it’ll set you back for the MP3 and of course you purists can pick up the FLAC for only £2.70, so what are you waiting for? Buy them from Surus.

If you like what you hear then you’ll be interested to know that Fathom have a 3hr slot, 6-9pm, every 2nd Sunday on Kane Fm where they play a mix of old and new DnB and don’t worry, you can listen online just in case you aren’t in deepest darkest Guildford.
