When was it decided that the start of a new year should be heralded with lists based on the previous year? December and January seem to be great months if you want to read lists on what people think were good and bad.
If you can think it, someone, somewhere has compiled a list on it, be it books, films, music, soap opera plot lines or diet fads. In fact there are even lists devoted to end of year lists! You’ll be pleased to know there are no lists here.
After an exceedingly quiet Christmas I went to Manchester to celebrate the marriage of some friends. They had guests from all around the globe and a great time was had chatting, drinking and more importantly, eating!
There was little time for sleep as some acclimatised to the UK’s time zone, which was perfect for an insomniac like myself however it’s safe to say that when I returned to London on New Year’s Eve I was pretty tired so I popped a sleeping tablet and went to bed at 10pm to watch an old edition of Black Adder, Back and Forth…talk about living the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle!
There have been no New Year Resolutions made this year, much like last year. I may blog a little more frequently but we’ll see. I prefer updating things when I feel like it rather than imposing deadlines upon myself, thereby removing the fun and enjoyment from the whole thing.
Drop by next year and we’ll see how I managed!