Omneo’s New Year Resolution

Well, it’s almost that time of year again. Time for us to look back and take stock of the previous 12 months and what we achieved or didn’t as the case may be. For myself I managed a lot. Got out more, made new friends, said goodbye to the close confines of my padded cell.

Hard to believe I’ve been seeing a shrink for a year now but it’s been a very worthwhile experience. I understand myself a lot better than I thought, I now don’t think as much as I used but probably still more than I should.

I’ve stopped taking drugs on a daily basis, both prescribed and non prescribed, which has not adversely affected me. All in all life feels good, which can only be a good thing. Now all I need is for some unknown relative to pass away leaving me a £30-£40K which would clear my debts and leave me enough for a nice bloody holiday. I’m not greedy, I don’t need to win a million but hey, wouldn’t object too much if I did!

So anyway, I’ve made a resolution this year, I haven’t made any for a few so figured it was time to try, if you are interested in knowing what it is Click here

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