I got the music in me…

So, has anyone heard the Boogie Pimps mix of I got the music in me?! I’m listening to it now…it’s 8.10am on a Sunday morning and I just wanna dance!!

Went to sleep fairly early, woke about 4.45am and turned on the radio, tuned as always to unknown fm, DJ Whispa and Adamski were on and man alive, what a fucking show!! So much so that by 5.30am I gave up with any chance of going back to sleep, got up, had a few drinks and started dancing in the living room :) Then I decided I was hungry so wandered into the kitchen, turned on the radio in there too, started cooking and have recently finished eating. Whispa, bless his cotton socks sounded dead so has left so hence I’m now listening to stuff I have on the computa! ergo me asking about the Boogie Pimps… well worth tracking down if you haven’t heard it… you can’t help but feel like having a boogie :)

Well, not much else to say given not a lot has happened between the last entry and this one. Didn’t go out in the end last night as slowly, but surely, everyone who was up for going out dropped out and I dithered too long wondering about whether to go out alone. I guess I need to kick my arse and just do it instead of thinking and thinking and doing nothing!!

Got Hard-Fi to look forward to on Monday night tho :) woo hoo rock it baby!

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